SMACNA is aggressively working to expand specific energy efficiency tax incentives that will create new market opportunities for SMACNA members. SMACNA supports a portfolio of bipartisan legislation that encourages investment in our nation’s infrastructure with responsible employers.
The America’s Small Business Tax Relief Act of 2015, H.R. 636, is legislation that would make the small business expensing tax incentive permanent and qualify efficient HVAC equipment as eligible investments owners can expense. It, along with the Shaheen-Portman comprehensive energy efficiency legislation in the Senate, is on track. H.R. 636 passed the House and awaits action in the Senate Finance Committee.
The Better Buildings Act of 2015, H.R. 873, would create a voluntary, market-based program to encourage commercial and multifamily landlords and tenants to align themselves around. H.R. 873 does not depend on a subsidy or costly government program and is an important alternative to onerous and complicated efficiency regulations intended to achieve the same ends.
The bipartisan Streamlining Energy Efficiency for Schools Act, H.R. 756, would create a one-stop-shop clearinghouse regarding available federal programs and financing that may help initiate, develop, and finance energy efficiency, distributed generation, and energy retrofitting projects for schools.
The Energy Efficiency Improvement Act of 2015, S. 535, advances energy efficiency through reduced regulatory burden, and increases transparency. It focuses on the federal government as a means of saving taxpayer dollars on energy bills.
Sign up for SMACNA’s National Issues Conference April 27-29
Show your support for this legislation and more on Capitol Hill. Attend SMACNA’s National Issues Conference in Washington, April 27-29. Register on the Advocacy section of the SMACNA website.
Contact SMACNA’s Capitol Hill office for additional details at (202) 547-8202