SMART Business Development
When tradesmen want to enter the business side of the sheet metal industry, it is in everyone’s best interest to ensure that they do so fully informed and prepared to take on the new responsibilities that come with running a business. Learn from Aldo Zambetti of the International Training Institute on how the SMART Business Development program can help achieve that goal.
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Aldo Zambetti, International Training Institute (iTi)
Aldo Zambetti has been a sheet metal worker out of Local 19 in Philadelphia for over 35 years. A second-generation union member, he worked in the field for 20 years, 16 of those years as a full-time apprentice instructor and training coordinator for Local 19.
Zambetti earned his bachelor’s degree in education from The National Labor College in 2011.
In 2014, Zambetti took a position with the International Training Institute (iTi), where he serves as regional representative, overseeing 35 training centers in the Northeast United States.