Substance Abuse Intervention

Chris Carlough will give an overview of substance use disorder and its effects on the jobsite demonstrating why intervention can benefit contractors, local unions, and employees. An in-depth exploration of the SMART MAP program will follow including the return on investment that can be achieved by implementing and supporting this support network for SMART members, contractors employees, and their families.

Chris Carlough is Education Director for SMART and a tireless advocate for union members and their families struggling with substance use disorder, suicide prevention, and other mental health issues. Through the SMART MAP training initiative, SMART is building a network of trained, compassionate union members who offer support and guidance to union members and their families struggling with a variety of chemical dependency issues.

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Chris Carlough, SMART Director of Education

Chris Carlough is Education Director for SMART and is a tireless advocate for union members and their families struggling with substance use disorder, suicide prevention and other mental health issues.

Through the SMART MAP training initiative, SMART is building a network of trained compassionate union members who offer support and guidance to union members and their families struggling with a variety of chemical dependency issues.